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Poverty is not an accident, which means it can be unmade. It is our goal to present the solutions to poverty in a follow-up documentary to THE END OF POVERTY?

TO END POVERTY! will present 10 groups of solutions that can end poverty in this lifetime.

When we traveled with and spoke to the exporters in THE END OF POVERTY?, we asked them what types of real solutions would end poverty. Some might seem obvious: The guarantee of shelter, healthcare, education, food, and drinking water. While others would require the upending of our hyper-capitalistic society such as: a basic minimum income—regardless of employment—as a fundamental human right, which would not cost that much to implement.

TO END POVERTY! would be constructed from the conversations with these experts as well as new interviews with individuals and organizations spearheading new movements in the US and abroad . Together, they become Ten Solutions to End Poverty. Read more...


As a small grassroots-driven company, we rely greatly on our supporters to help spread the word about our films. In order to create the buzz needed to support a national theatrical release of The End of Poverty?, we need your help to get the word out about this thought-provoking and important film. If you could just do even one task on the following list, you’d be helping the documentary tremendously. Thank you in advance!

Join us on Facebook and Twitter.

If you’ve seen the film at a festival or an advance screening, post a review of the film on Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB or on other movie sites (registration may be required.).

Join our social network and start discussing ways to work towards ending poverty by changing the system.

Post a comment about the film or a link to the website on any of the blogs or online news outlets that you follow in threads on poverty, globalization, the economy, free-trade, debt etc. Make sure to type the film’s title as: "The End of Poverty?"

Are you a member of a church, NGO, anti-poverty group or other community-based organization concerned with ending poverty? Email us to request a copy of the 20 minute preview and show it during a gathering and ask if the organization will endorse the film by sending an email blast, letter or on-air mention when the film comes to your town.


Become an Affiliate

Suggest a media outlet interested in these topics (please provide specific contact information including contact name, title, outlet, phone number, email, and email to

Are you able to offer free ad space in a magazine, paper, email blast or flyer? (please email

Tell your friends about the film by sending them an informative image.

If you’d like to do more, contact

10 Solutions to End Poverty

Our aim
"Poverty will never end unless there are real solutions to end it; solutions based on economic justice and political changes."

Sign The Petition
"Our goal is to get 10 million signatures (globally) in 10 years and to moblize your support to force our leaders to implement such policy changes."

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