The following books and their authors have contributed enormously to the film and more importantly to our understanding of global economics.
A national best-seller, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man describes how Perkins, as a highly paid professional, helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies.(Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!)
Get It NowIn The Secret History of the American Empire, Perkins zeroes in on hot spots around the world and, drawing on interviews with other hit men, jackals, reporters, and activists, examines the current geopolitical crisis.
Get It NowDebt-induced economic austerity is destroying the lives of countless Third World people who derive no benefit from the borrowed billions but must now make great sacrifices to bail out their elites. With enough popular pressure in both North and South, the 3-D solution - Debt, Development, Democracy - could make debt an instrument not of oppression and despair but of liberation.
Get It NowParticipants in the world-wide citizens' movement for social change and global justice like to proclaim that "Another World is Possible". But is it?
Get It NowIn an unsettling but lucid critique, The Debt Boomerang shows that we in the North must also pay the price of World Bank and IMF policies that have accelerated deforestation, encouraged mass migrations, fuelled an expanding drug trade and heightened global instability and conflict.
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