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Poverty is not an accident, which means it can be unmade. It is our goal to present the solutions to poverty in a follow-up documentary to THE END OF POVERTY?

TO END POVERTY! will present 10 groups of solutions that can end poverty in this lifetime.

When we traveled with and spoke to the exporters in THE END OF POVERTY?, we asked them what types of real solutions would end poverty. Some might seem obvious: The guarantee of shelter, healthcare, education, food, and drinking water. While others would require the upending of our hyper-capitalistic society such as: a basic minimum income—regardless of employment—as a fundamental human right, which would not cost that much to implement.

TO END POVERTY! would be constructed from the conversations with these experts as well as new interviews with individuals and organizations spearheading new movements in the US and abroad . Together, they become Ten Solutions to End Poverty. Read more...


Ending poverty is a daunting challenge. However, since it was made by human rules and institutions, new ones can unmake it, right?
The intention of the film is to change the dialogue so that concerned citizens will blame the system that creates poverty, not the people caught up in it. That requires a shift in our thinking.
The solutions touched on in the film are based on justice and not charity, solutions that will change the system that grinds down the poor.
This section will soon present specific campaigns that work towards changing the system, but the following is our call to action:

First, forgive international debt unconditionally and stop other predatory tactics. End the use of economic power as a means by which the wealthy control the poor.
Second, change the tax system in every country of the world. If justice is to be done, most of the taxes should fall on property ownership and not on the wages of working people.
Third, the poor should demand land reform, restoring land (or its value) to the people who actually work on it, instead of a few landowners.
Fourth, end privatization of natural resources and share these in common. Land, air, water, and oil are the common inheritance of all of humanity, not the stockholders of companies that have managed to grab these resources.
Fifth, "degrowth" in the rich nations--a radical cut in consumption of resources and production of waste--is necessary for the poor nations to survive. As Gandhi said, "Live simply, so others can simply live."

Sign The Petition

10 Solutions to End Poverty

Our aim
"Poverty will never end unless there are real solutions to end it; solutions based on economic justice and political changes."

Sign The Petition
"Our goal is to get 10 million signatures (globally) in 10 years and to moblize your support to force our leaders to implement such policy changes."

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